
I hate the way you look in the morning
The way you smile over nothing
The way you must spend an hour
On getting your coffee just right
I hate the way you look at me
When you think I’m being daft.
I hate the way you’re so often right.
I wish I could show you up just once
Wrap a rope around your neck like I told you.
Parade your stupidity until your children have children
Wouldn’t it be fantastic, that life.
I hate the way you smirk as if you know
How it is to live in my bones
I hate to think what suffering you’d have
If you actually were me- what a drag
Sometimes I think you look nice
But I wouldn’t dare tell you
It’d blow your head up three sizes
Wish upon a star
I’d rather kill you
Then see the day you work for a living.


See you in another day,


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