• Writing A Story

    Good afternoon, my dear, browsing, and slightly intrigued readers. Writing is hard business. At first, when I began writing stories,…

  • The Watch

    Strapped to my wrist- choke hold on my veins, my muscles, my tissue, my skin. The gears can be heard…

  • Between Classes

    Hallways are crowded. The bell has just rung. Out in the stampede, I zigzag through them waiting for a clearing-…

  • People

    “Be careful what you pretend to be, because you are what you pretend to be.”   -Kurt Vonnegut I like…

  • Food For Mind

    Did you now there is such thing as catatonic schizophrenia? It’s a form of schizophrenia where the individual freezes up,…

  • Expectations

    Good Morning/Evening/Afternoon/Middle of the Night/Day! End Quote is the name of my blog. I’ve heard it when people give speeches…